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2022-2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Student Login/Resources

Canvas Login/Resources for Students


Student  Computer Logins

Students will log in to Canvas on computers by use of the Clever program portal that they use at school.  There are two separate Clever portals, one for K-2 Students and one for all other students.  Both are listed here but can easily be found on the main district website under Quick Links/Clever Login. 

Click here for Clever K-2 Login

Click here for all other Clever Student Logins


Canvas Student Mobile App

Canvas Student can be viewed on any mobile device by going to the app store and searching for "Canvas Student".    Once the app installs, type or look for "Pike County School District- Student" under the Find School button.  Students will then be redirected to the Microsoft Sign In page where they must enter their network (email) login credentials from school.