To see current job openings click here and apply online at
Background Checks are required for all positions
Subs should obtain Background check prior to submitting an Application. All others should complete background check after an offer of employment has been made. Applicants are responsible for paying fee for background check. For infrormation on how to schedule background checks and documents needed click HERE
Requirments for Applying For Certified Positions
1. Copy of Letter of Eligibilty or Teaching Cert KY
2. Copy of Transcripts
Personnel Contacts:
Cassie Goff-
Phone: 606-433-9205
- Employment
KPA Study Guide
Pike County Schools
316 South Mayo Trail
Pikeville, KY 41501-1522
FAX: 606-432-7855
The Pike County Schools does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, national origin, sex, religion, marital status, or disability in it educational programs, services, activities, or employment.