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2022-2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Parent Involvement Award Winners


Kendra Elkins, a parent from Dorton Elementary was presented with the Pike County Schools Parent of the Quarter Award. Kendra has a child who attends Dorton. She has volunteered many hours working on projects ranging from preparing bulletin boards to graduating from the Prichard Committee's GCIPL program. The dedication and commitment she has given to enhance the student achievement in our school district has not gone unnoticed. Thank you Kendra for all you have done!

Kendra was nominated by Dorton's principal Rhonda Jarrell. The award was presented by Board Member, Ireland "Heavy" Blankenship, Federal Director, Robert Osborne, and District Parent Involvement Coordinator, Stacey Smith. — withStacey Lynne SmithIreland BlankenshipKendra Wendell Elkins and Rhonda Jarrell.


Bevins School Winner

 Title I presented the Parent Involvement Award to Carl & Mildred Varney from the Bevins School area. They were nominated by their school and chosen by our committee after reading the nomination below. We surprised the couple with the award. How did we know they would be there? They were there reading to a group of students yesterday. Read below and see how great this couple is for their community! Carl and Mildred Varney are retired teachers and are grandparents to two of our students at Bevins Elementary. I can think of several reasons why these should be honored with this Title 1 Parent Award, but here are three. 1. Each year Carl and Mildred volunteer their time to complete special projects with the class their grandchildren are in. The projects range from science to music to language arts. Last year Carl grew 8 different kinds of beans and would come in and teach science lessons to our third graders showing them the progress along the way. He would bring in pictures and samples. Carl also collected leaves from different trees in our area and made a book for the teachers to use with science lessons. Mildred taught poetry lessons and then conferenced with individual students on their poems that were published in a class book. During Coal Fair week, both Carl and Mildred volunteered their time. Carl sang songs that coal miners would sing and did a music lesson with the students. Mildred helped students in learning centers to write reclamation stories for their coal fair unit. 2. Carl always takes care of the agriculture at the school. He helps to plant flowers around the school each year. He maintains the flowerbeds around the school. He grows corn and donates a fodder shock each fall. He even sets up a beautiful fall display each year. 3. Lastly, Carl and Mildred always have the best interest of the students and staff at heart. Carl brings home grown vegetables to the staff members. Also, monthly he makes challenging homemade crossword puzzles and distributes them to the staff. Together they wrote a book for some of the classes. They have donated items to the classes in need. They adopt a less fortunate child at Christmas and work with the Family Resource Center to help get gifts for that student. Mildred volunteers often to read to classes at events such as Read Across America Week and Grandparents Day while Carl volunteers to sing songs for holidays and events such as Christmas and the Coal Fair. The students love when Carl and Mildred come to school. They are always actively engaged in whatever the Varneys have to offer. They are a great part of our school and we would love to honor them with this special recognition.



Pike County Schools Title I Presents a parent award quarterly.
This past quarter Leanne Coleman was nominated by the administrators from Elkhorn City Elementary. She has two children who attend Elkhorn City Elementary. Leanne recently graduated from the GCIPL program through the Prichard Committee.  Leanne  volunteers within the school and in the community. She has a strong belief in the importance of education and the involvement of parents in the educational process. Thank you Leanne Coleman for all that you do and Congratulations on being awarded!

Pictured Below: Alma Lockhart, Leanne Coleman, Stacey Smith, and James Mercer

Pictured Below: Alma Lockhart, Leanne Coleman, Stacey Smith, and James Mercer


Pike County Schools Title I Presents a parent award quarterly.
This past quarter Kristie Crum was nominated by the administrators from Valley Elementary. She has two children who attend Valley Elementary. Kristie recently graduated from the GCIPL program through the Prichard Committee. She has always attended Title I Parent meetings and has been a Title I Parent Contact for many years. Kristie has a strong belief in the importance of education and the involvement of parents in the educational process. Thank you Kristie Crum for all that you do and Congratulations on being awarded!

Kristie Crum was nominated by the administrators from Valley Elementary


 Title I presented the January 2015 Title I District Parent Involvement Award.  This award went to Danita Pauley. She was nominated by the administration at Southside Elementary.  We received a letter that outlined so many wonderful things she has done for their school. We here at Pike County Schools are so thankful for the time, effort, and love she has poured into that school.  Principal Jill Maynard and Assistant Principal Rhonda Crigger along with their staff have created such a positive environment at Southside Elementary. Title I appreciates the fact that Southside promotes a welcoming environment which enables opportunities for our parents to be involved.

Pictured Below:

Stacey Smith: Title I Parent Involvement Coordinator, Jill Maynard: Southside Principal,

Danita Pauley: Parent Volunteer, Robert Osborne: Director of Federal Programs

Stacey Smith: Title I Parent Involvement Coordinator, Jill Maynard: Southside Principal,  Danita Pauley: Parent Volunteer, Robert Osborne: Director of Federal Programs

Title I presented the February 2015 Title I District Parent Involvement Award.  This award went to Lisa Owens. She was nominated by the administration at Elkhorn City  Elementary.  We received a letter that outlined so many wonderful things she has done for their school. We here at Pike County Schools are so thankful for the time, effort, and love she has poured into that school.  Principal James Mercer and Assistant Principal Alma Lockhart  are so pleased with what she has done in their community.  Elkhorn City is our Parent Involvement Rock Star! 

Pictured Below:

Stacey Smith: Title I Parent Involvement Coordinator, Assistant Principal: Alma Lockhart

Lisa Owens: Parent Volunteer, James Mercer: Principal

Robert Osborne: Director of Federal Programs

Stacey Smith: Title I Parent Involvement Coordinator, Assistant Principal: Alma Lockhart  Lisa Owens: Parent Volunteer, James Mercer: Principal  Robert Osborne: Director of Federal Programs


Title I presented the March 2015 Title I District Parent Involvement Award.  This award went to John Reed. He was nominated by the administration at Bevins Elementary.  We received a letter that outlined so many wonderful things he has done for their school. We here at Pike County Schools are so thankful for the time, effort, and love he has poured into that school.  Principal Amy Bevins and her staff are so pleased with what she has done for their school!  

Pictured Below:

Amy Swiney: Principal, John Reed: Parent Volunteer, & Robert Osborne: Director of Federal Programs

Amy Swiney: Principal, John Reed: Parent Volunteer, & Robert Osborne: Director of Federal Programs