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2022-2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Pair Program

Come PAIR With Us!! 

Parent Attendance and Involvement = Rewards

When parents are involved in our schools, schools win and when schools win our children win.  Our school system receives a Title I Federal grant each year to supplement the educational programs in 11 of our schools.  A very important component of this Title I grant deals with parental involvement.  In an effort to increase the number of parents/guardians who are actively involved in our schools, we are introducing a new parent involvement program.  The PAIR Program (Parent Attendance and Involvement equals Rewards) will involve a partnership between parents, schools and community/business sponsors. We will encourage parents/guardians to attend parent meetings and activities at the schools. As a result of their attendance and involvement, we hope to reward the school with resources provided by our sponsors. We cordially invite you to Come PAIR with Us and become a sponsor.  Sponsorships may range from funding, educational resources, gifts or gift certificates.   Sponsors will play a huge role in the success of our PAIR Program.  Our children are well worth our efforts.

Best regards,

Robert J. Osborne 

Director of Federal Programs 

Pike County Schools

ECE PAIR Champs Large School Division


Elkhorn City Elementary- 2016-2017 Large School Division Winner

Dorton PAIR


Dorton Elementary - 2016-2017 Small School Division Winner